Monday, May 25, 2009

something new

We have decided to go down a path never traveled before-blogging! With the advances of technology, many family and friends communicate via the internet . Now, you can check in from time to time and see what our family is up to and the latest pictures. This will definitely be a challenge, as we adjust to the life of a blogger and most importantly-new parents!

Our baby (gender is a surprise) is due July 1, 2009. However due to unforseen circumstances, our little peanut will most likely be here much sooner than July 1st. In April, we discovered the baby stopped growing, reasons unknown, and Meghan was hospitalized. After many tests and ruling out the usual causes of IUGR (intra uterine growth restriction), it was determined the baby would just be born very small. Meghan was put on bed rest at 29 weeks and 6 days. Since then, she sees the specialists at Women and Infants hospital for three appointments weekly to monitor the baby. So far, the baby is responding well and passing the tests. In five weeks the baby has gained 1 pound and 2 ounces. Today we are 34 weeks and 4 days. Most likely we will be meeting this little peanut in three weeks (middle of June) and we are both very excited!